Wednesday 22 May 2013

Orthohealing Center: providing non-invasive approach to tendon and ligament injuries

Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) therapy is a unique and advanced treatment that aids in alleviating pain and accelerating the healing process. Given that PRP therapy employs the patient’s own tissue to heal the injured tissue, the possibility of complications because of antibodies reaction is almost negligible. PRP is a boon for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries of the body such as the knee, spine, shoulders and hip. Since it is a non-surgical treatment, you do not have to worry about the normal risks associated with a conventional surgery. If you are looking solution to osteoarthritis knee in Los Angeles, come to the internally recognized Orthohealing Center that specializes in the area of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy.

The Orthohealing Center provides guidance and training to thousand of physicians each year with the help of seminars. The skilful practices of viscosupplementation and PRP injections have earned a good name to Orthohealing Center over the years.  Their main objective is not just to treat the symptoms, but to cure the patient completely. In order to undergo PRP therapy you do not need multiple visits to doctor. On an average, three injections are required within a time period of six months, and each injection is given after every three weeks. In majority of cases the patients witness positive result only after two injections. This definitely minimizes the niggling regular follow up visits to your physician.

Based on the severity of your case, you will be asked to avoid vigorous physical activities for at least 24 hours. While most patients report of not experiencing any side effect after a PRP injection, some people may experience mild side effects like swelling of the injection site.  The Orthohealing Center takes extra care that such injections are administrated under special guidance. People suffering from hip pain in Los Angeles are often prescribed PRP treatment when other treatments fail to respond. People suffering from bleeding disorders are reviewed properly before subjecting them to injection. Instead of suffering from distress and pain, contact Orthohealing Center as soon as possible.